About Me

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Dental Resort

Monday, February 05, 2007

i am sitting barefoot in the internet room of my lovely hotel which consists of bamboo huts.. and most exciting i have my own. varkala is really stunning and much more of a backpacker hang out than kovalam. the beach is below the cliffs where all the hotels and shops are. its lovely. today i hung out on the beach (after an hour taxi through towns posting billboards alternating a sumo wrestler and ammachi above the random elephant chillin on the side of the road) and watched european hippies do yoga while old indian ladies sold chai and pineapples.

jonathon and i just had an amazing fish dinner (every cafe puts their fresh fish on a table in front and you pick what you'd like) and some kingfishers for about $4 total... i love india. some people are having a drum circle directly behind jonathon's hut and im not so sure he's happy about it :) hilarious... thats what you get for talking shit about hippies...

we lost our friend though... saw her last night in kovalam but our taxi driver was driving too fast for us to say hello and so we did not wait around for her to come with us to varkala... however, we did go to the Taj, a 5 star hotel and ate dinner on the beach below the stars and drank indian wine which i had no idea existed. the place was over the top nice and i think jonathon secretly wants me to agree to spend my money staying there.... however, its not gonna happen.
i kindof feel like i could stay just here for a month... maybe do some indexing and decorate my little hut with shells and the weird skirts i had made in kovalam but will never wear once i leave india... but im excited to go the ammachi's ashram. everything here is an amma store... they even have some sort of dental resort... literally. you go there and get teeth pulled. i dont get it. luckily i dont need any teeth pulled.

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